Bite Wounds
Black/Tarry Stool
Bleeding: Tumors/Masses
Bleeding: Uncontrolled or Spurting
Blindness: Sudden
Bloody Stool/ Bloody Diarrhea
Breathing: Open-mouth breathing in cats
Bruises: Sudden Appearance without known Trauma
Diarrhea: Non-Stop
Dislocated Joints
Distended Abdomen
Dragging hind legs
Eye: Bulging
Eye: Holding closed
Eye: Pain
Fever over 102.8 (plus other symptoms)
Fracture/Broken Bone- Just happened
Frequenting the litterbox
Distended Abdomen
Hit by a moving vehicle
Hot Car: pet was left in a hot car
Infected wounds and incisions
Kittens who are sick
Not Drinking, especially if for several days
Not Eating, especially if for several days
Not Urinating for 24 hours or more
Open wounds, lacerations, puncture wounds
Pain: Severe
Pale, white, gray or blue gums
Porcupine Quills
Puppies who are sick
Seizures/tremors (more urgent when seizures last more than 5min or 3 or more seizures in 24 hours
Staggering or Unsteady on feet, appears drunk
Stepped On
Straining when unable to urinate or defecate
Swollen Abdomen
Vomiting: Non-Stop
Vomiting blood or what looks like "coffee grinds"
Yellow Eyes/Gums
Yellow Skin
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